Fact #2




Spring break advice: super simple ways to protect your hair


I never forget sunscreen for my skin when I go to the beach, but I sometimes forget to bring protection for my hair and scalp.  It’s just as important, especially if your hair is already dry or damaged.




Sun, saltwater, and chlorine can cause irreversible damage to your hair


1.      Wear a hat or scarf.  Not only do they protect your hair and scalp, they are great accessories as well.


2.      Apply SPF to your scalp, especially where you part your hair.


3.      Use styling aids or leave-in conditioners with SPF 10-15. Waterproof products are also available if you plan to be in the water.


4.      Before you jump into the pool or ocean, be sure to wet your hair in the shower, with a spray bottle, or with waterproof products.  If you saturate your hair with clean water or product first, it helps keep salt and chlorine out of your strands.    

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